Electronic Locks- types and Characteristics

The safety provided by electronic locks are of great extends and it cannot be break easily. Everything from residential to highest government security has electronic locks to secure their important things. Not only the residential house, now even most of the cars have some sort of electronic key system. One of the most important things of electronic locks is the keys you use to open them are also very important as the lock themselves. The proper pairing of locking and unlocking the Locks will shape the final outcome of your protection. Before moving to the new technology, always consider what are your needs that forcing you to opt for new technology
New methods of electronic security are always improving and that’s the reason some of the Lock Manufacturer develop new products for their customer. Here are some types of Electronic locks from which you can choose best for yourself.
Types of Electronic Locks

1. Electric Strike:

Electric Strike is a type of Electronic Lock that is loaded with spring Keeper that manipulates the bolt on lock. Such type of lock can be installed either on the door frame or in the case of double doors, such as on stationery door. This type of lock either can be fail-safe or fail secure depending on the building codes of your area and types of structure. This type of strike is made for safely departing from the building and in most cases will open from the inside even in the case of being fail-secure. This type of lock can be done with manual override such as key or Knob. A special key is designed to override lock from outside.

2. Electro Magnetic Locks:

Such type of locks is best suitable for modern offices. The reason of using this lock is very simple: many architects go with elegant glass doors which are in return not compatible with physical or any other type of locks. To overcome this little problem, magnetic locks have been developed. If one is having standard door, he can choose 600 lb lock but if you are having bigger lock then choosing 1200 lb of lock is perfect for you.

3. Electrified Mortise Locks:

This type of electronic locks almost look like a regular lock, however there is only a one difference, in such type of locks, power cable connecting the lock with power supply. Tricky part of such locks is that the wire in such locks runs through the door itself and it again wired back to main wall. Electrified door hinges or on-wall cabling are two types of installation option for mortise locks.
Characterstics of Electronic Locks
·         Such types of locks can be reset anytime to reject any of the devices at any time.
·         Such type of locks requires memorization of code and a unique way to enter such locks.
·         Different codes can be used for different Locks so its not easy to break the lock.
·         The length and the number in electronic locks make the guessing the code highly improbable.
·         This lock also allows your Smartphone to be your key.
·         The codes that are accepted by such locks can be changed anytime without the need of rekeying redoing the system.
      Summary:  This is some of the types and characteristic of Electronic Locks. We know that there is lots of thing that need to consider when you are examing electronic locks. So to discern yourself with what you need Qilocks, Best Locker and Lock Manufacturer provide such information.
       About us:  Qilocks design new pattern locks for clients that enhance the safety of their valuable things in home or industry. We manufacture and supply the best locks in London, UK, and many other countries. 

       If you need further information or have any inquiry regarding locks and lockers, then feel free to contact us.

Contact us at– +44 (0)20 8906 6881

Mail– sales@qilocks.com


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