Biometric locks- Advanced lock that help homeowner to surround their smart homes

Biometric locks- A Biometric locks is a security identification and authentication device. Such locks use automated methods of verifying or recognising the identity of a living person based on a physiological or behavioural characteristic to open locks. These characteristics include fingerprints, facial images, Iris prints and voice recognition. Biometric devices have been used by man over a long period of time. Non-automated biometric devices have been used by us since 500 BC whereas Automation in Biometric devices was first seen in the 1960s. Types of Biometric Locks 1. Fingerprint Locks- Fingerprints locks analysis the segments of fingerprint to grant the access to users. This lock provides better safety to your valuable things than other ordinary locks. 2. Visual biometric devices : Analyses the visual features of the humans to grant access which includes IRIS recognition, Face recognition, ...